Our Family

Even though the Burpo family has been on a wild ride for the past few years, they still live their life as "normally" as possible. Todd loves fixing things, grilling in the back yard, speaking to audiences all over the world, and a solid afternoon nap. Sonja finds her joy in loving and teaching kids of all ages, raising her own kids and managing their busy schedule, and being the backbone of Heaven is for Real Ministries.
As the kids have gotten older, they have gotten much busier and a little harder to keep track of. Cassie was recently married and is on track to become a CPA. Colton is working on becoming an electrician, and Colby is still keeping mom and dad very busy with all of his activities.
The Burpo Family is deeply committed to their faith in Jesus, and their experiences through the Heaven is for Real journey have only solidified their love of the Lord and their love of the local church. They are passionate about working tirelessly to keep Heaven is for Real Ministries alive and well through the creation of new books and resources as well as through speaking to audiences all over the world.
While they can't personally respond to every request, The Burpos love it when people reach out. If you have a question or comment for the Burpo family, please head to our comments page. If you need prayer, please submit a prayer request. And finally, if you are interested in hosting the Burpos in your town, head to our booking page.